Sunday, August 5, 2012

It's just called Spicy...: Pregnancy Brain is Real

So this is so funny! Pregnancy Brain is real. I shared last Tuesday some details from one of my awesome baby showers, you can check it out here! I was blessed with two sweet baby showers because when we were visiting Noland's family in June, they also had a baby shower for me.?

Well as soon I got home from this past weekend's shower, I started writing my thank you notes because my wedding thank you notes took forever to write and I'm not even sure that I covered everyone due to the plethora of items we received and some un-updated lists/un-labeled packages received.

So I promise this story is going somewhere... I received a gracious amount of gift cards at both showers, which are awesome because you can then purchase the much needed necessities! Let me just say that I am usually a decent writer and try to spend a lot of time putting together a nice thank you note. I am so beyond thankful for the gifts we received and we feel so blessed, so thank you notes are important to me.

Today, I was writing my last "Thank You", I realized that I had misspelled the word "stock"?probably a lot.?In several thank you notes, when someone had given me a gift card, I wrote a sentence similar to:?

Thanks for the gift card we were able to stalk up on some much needed baby necessities.?

stock v. stalk

Yes. I got them confused.

How embarrassing...

By the time I noticed this mistake, I already sent out almost all except five thank you notes... Oops. So if one of you that receive(d) a "Thank you" with "stalk" instead of "stock"... I'm so sorry. Pregnancy brain?

This has just been a common?occurrence?lately. I hope my husband doesn't think I'm losing my mind. Pregnancy brain is REAL. Momnesia... also real. (Story #2) Today, I took a shower and half way through, I couldn't remember if I washed my body, so I washed it again.?

(Story #3) Last week, when we were on our way to visit my family, I started the drive to get my focus off of my back pain. We left our place and headed to the interstate... After about 30 minutes of talking with my husband about our day, he asked, "Where are you going?"

I had accidentally taken a wrong turn thinking I was heading in the wrong direction and didn't even realize where I was going. It was one of those weird feelings because I was paying attention to the drive but not so much the destination. Hard to explain.

I guess it's just all the exciting preparation for baby is filling up the bookshelves in my brain instead of proper spelling of words. So forgive this post if there are spelling and grammar mistakes! Haha.?

Thanks for listening to my thoughts. Don't forget, pregnancy brain is real.

Thank's for stoppin' by


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