Monday, August 6, 2012

Holidays & Water Play | Smart Home Family Blog

As mentioned in my last blog post, we just experienced our first holidays in the smart home. Rather than just ?Reggie and I wandering about the house, we were all here ?for two weeks ? as well as having an interstate visitor.

Understandably our water usage increased quite notably as well.

On the average week, when we?re all going about our usual routines of work and school, we use approximately 1600 liters of tap water and about 650 liters of recycled water. However during the holidays the tap water used was 2208 liters of tap water and 1174 liters of recycled water!

Wow! Admittedly I was a little surprised when I looked over the figures of the report. With everyone being home and with the addition of only one extra person in the house, ?we used an extra 600 litres of tap water, and almost doubled our use of recycled water!

In a few weeks we will be having some more visitor?s stay for a couple of days, and we?re keen to see what happens to the water usage once they?ve enjoyed their stay with us in the smart home.

Once they have been (and showered, washed dishes and flushed the toilet a few times) we will review the water usage again, and let you know our findings.


ryan tannehill

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