Saturday, August 11, 2012

Author Spotlight: Deanna Kimberly Burrell - Live It Love It Do It

Good Friday Morning! ?She?s a public speaker, creative writer and author of the hot new novel ?Single Girl Summer!? We are pleased to share with you, Deanna Kimberly Burrell!

Deanna Kimberly Burrell is a successful businesswoman, marketing maven, published author and popular speaker. Her first book, Voted ?Most Creative?- Perspectives on Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness, is a collection of poems and essays that inspire creativity, growth and self-expression.?Click here ? to read an excerpt from Voted ?Most Creative?.

?Single Girl Summer? is?her first novel and it?s more than just a story of sophisticated friends having fun in the big city. ?Single Girl Summer? is a celebration of women ? yes, their strengths and weaknesses but more than that, their ability to pull themselves up by their designer bootstraps.

Both the iconic movie, Breakfast at Tiffany?s, and the hit TV show, Sex in the City, were an inspiration for Deanna when writing Single Girl Summer. She loved the independent, risk taking complexity of the main characters. The leading characters in SGS embody the same spirit as Holly Gollightly and Carrie Bradshaw, but add yet another, all so important element ? how their parents helped shape them into?the women they are today. Deanna has a keen understanding of how every woman needs a balance of family, friendship, and love in their lives.

Ms. Burrell recently retired from her marketing sales position at Clear Channel Media to focus on promoting her umbrella brand Voted ?Most Creative?, writing, and public speaking.?Deanna?s public speaking seminars entitled ?A Tribute to Black Women? and ?Reinvention: My Journey From Corporate Zombie to Creative Writer? encourage college students and women to find and pursue their passions.

Deanna is a graduate of Northwestern University, lives in Chicago and currently works as a full-time writer, public speaker and marketing sales consultant.

?Single Girl Summer?

?If?Waiting to Exhale?and?Sex and the City?procreated, the healthy, bouncing baby would read like?Single Girl Summer.?You?ll live vicariously through Button, Dawn, and Meghan. Even if you?ve never set foot in Chicago, after reading this, you?ll feel like a Chi-town native.?

Single Girl Summer is the story of Button Jackson, Meghan Cherry-Henderson, and Dawn Martin navigating the ups and downs of life. The novel offers balanced perspectives into how real friendships, romances, and families work. Sometimes they unravel; sometimes they thrive; sometimes they unravel in order to thrive. The only constant in life is change.

Robert Flack Joins The SGS Movement

Chris Rob is a talented musician currently working with Roberta Flack. See his feature here: and Deanna went to high school together and are still great friends. At the beginning of the summer, Deanna asked Chris if it would be okay to send Ms. Flack a copy of Single Girl Summer. On?Monday, Chris texted Deanna a picture of Ms. Flack getting ready to start reading SGS. He said she had just told him she needed a new book so he gave her Single Girl Summer. Success happens when opportunity means preparation. We?ll check back with Chris later to get Ms. Flack?s review. In the meantime, check out?Chris? music?and Roberta Flack?s new?Beatles cover.

Weekly Newsletter Contest

Each week the Single Girl Summer newsletter team will pick one lucky person to win a SGS prize. This week all you had to do was open this newsletter and now you?re entered to win a SGS white T-shirt. Winner will be announced next week.

Single Girl Summer Presents The Art of Flirting

Like a painting, sculpture, or dance, flirting is a work of art. ? ?Flirting is the essential foundation for every romantic relationship. Successful flirting is navigating the rules of conversation and unwritten laws of etiquette. Using excerpts from ?Single Girl Summer,? author Deanna Burrell taught a packed house during the 2nd Fridays Pilsen Gallery Walk how to flirt?like a Picasso. Check out the video from the event.

Savoring the ?Single Girl Summer?

In the waning days of summer 2012, author Deanna Kimberly Burrell offers readers a chance to stockpile snapshots of three friends and their relationships. Burrell says she wanted to write a book about relationships but not a self-help manual. A longtime fan of the HBO series, ?Sex And The City,? the young author decided to write a book for Black women filled with the fashion and friendship of S&TC?minus the drama and degradation of some reality shows.

Upcoming Chicago Events?

August 25?- Deanna will present?The Art of Flirting?at 4pm at the??Lit Fest On The Lake?

These events have something for everyone: come out, celebrate, and enjoy Single Girl Summer.

Visit the events tab on? more details.

Keep in contact with Deanna:

YouTube: Single Girl Summer TV


Twitter: @SingleGrlSummer

Pinterest: Single Girl Summer
Get your book today. The paperback and $2.99 ebook are available online at?,?,?iBooks,?IndieBound?and at select retailers.?Visit the website for a complete list.?Deanna will be sending LiveItLoveItDoIt a few copies of ?Single Girl Summer? and we will be giving one away on our site! ?Stay tuned for more details! When we complete the book, we will be sure to give our readers a review. We wish you much success Deanna and thank you for introducing us to ?Single Girl Summer!?

Remember, in all things give thanks. Live?Love?Do?!



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